
Premier Magnetos

Bringing Technology To The Masses At Affordable Prices


Since 1972, Premier Magnetos has been a trusted name in developing innovative machineries for empowering rural populace with advanced non-powered technologies in agriculture. We have expanded our services to design and manufacture innovative products for livelihood generation and self-sustainance of tribal and forest fringe people.
Our vision is
  • self-employment generation at the grass-root level
  • empowering women by providing them a convenient means of income
  • modernizing the traditional skills of village and forest based people with appropriate technology
Our innovations have been specially designed for livelihood generation through utilization of locally available raw materials, like Sabai grass, Sisal fibre, Sal leaves, non-conventional oil bearing seeds etc., in areas where land is less fertile and irrigation facilities non-existent.
Besides, our products being manually operated and non-powered, non-availability of power and infrastructure is not a constraint for their utilization.
Our products are:
Manufacturer & Supplier of Muri Puffing Non powered Machine , Sabai Rope Making Machine,Rope Twister, Banana fibre Stripper Machine , Table Mounted Potter Wheel , Surface Treadle Pump ,Bearing fitted Potter's Wheel, Pedal/Power Paddy Thresher , Honey Extractor , Pedal Groundnut Stripper cum Decorticator,Groundnut Seed Drill, Sal Leaf Plate Moulding Machine(Non Electrical) , Twine Spinning machine, Sisal Fibre Decorticator,Smokeless Oven,Bamboo craft Hand tools and machines.